Friday, April 12, 2024

Nadi leaves are dried palm leaves that have been cured with special herbs for writing.

Nadi leaves are dried palm leaves that have been cured with special herbs for writing. The Nadi leaves of the Nadi astrology contain written accounts of a person’s life written hundreds of years ago by Siddhas, the enlightened masters in southern India belonging to the Siddha tradition.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Most of us may wonder how to know our life..come to us.. we find your naadi leaf and interprete for you NOW. contact us +65 86841431

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Naadi Leaf.. your past, present and future that written eon ago. contact us +6588110189

The great books of subtle knowledge, are recordings of the Sapta Rishi. Sapta means seven and Rishi means Sages. Brahma conceived the Seven Great Sages out of his mind to help in his creation of the world. They were Bhrigu, Angira, Atri, Vishvamitra, Kashyapa, Vashishta, and Agastya. They knew the key to creation and the destiny of each and every individual born and yet to be born. What is their purpose? Why they were born? What karma they bring into their life? These Granthas were not written as predictions but as records of life and information on secret knowledge. This knowledge was not restricted to astrology alone but to other subjects including Science, Ayurveda, Yoga, Spirituality, Alchemy, Occult and Jyotisha. Their thoughts and knowledge was passed down orally from one generation to another and then finally written down on palm leafs. They were originally in Sanskrit but they also got translated into Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam and other regional languages. A collection of palm leafs become one chapter within a Granthas. So a complete Grantha could be many thousands of palm leafs.
Chapter 1- similar to the first house or ascendant. This will contain namesparents and wife/husband's, brothers, sisters, maternal uncles, children, profession and general list of future predictions for all the 12 houses.
Chapter 13 - Shanti Kandam – Shanti means peace. This chapters deals with pacifying the past life issues, past karma and last birth. The remedial measures that need to be done in order to calm the negative karma. This is the most important Kandam. By rectifying the past life allows us to live in the present with happiness and peace. But this is also the Kandam people have the greatest problem with, as it is open to abuse by the unscrupulous Nadi practitioners. Do remember that not all Nadi Readers are corrupt and unscrupulous. They usually are very dharmic following their family tradition faithfully. As rectifying the past life is essential to move forward, it does not have to be done through expensive pujas and rituals if the individual cannot afford them. TheRishis could not have thought that only the wealthy who can afford these rituals, would the only ones who are relieved of their past karmas. This cannot be right. But the onus falls on the individual to make effort to clear his wrong karma once they gets aware of the issues they have collected in the past. It is important to appeasement the deities and work with the remedies. Without working with this essential aspect of the Nadi reading, there is unlikely to bring any lasting benefit. While the other kandams give knowledge of past life and what is going to happen now. We are not able to enjoy the future properly without sorting out the baggage of past karma.
Every individual should read chapter 1 and 13 . Most peopls we found are suffer from Karma effect that carry forward to this life so every things they do become an ostacles in present life. We advice each and everyone to read this important chapter 1 & 13 so that they can free themselves from negative effect and get whatever they wishes faster and freely..
Note : If you ready!!! contact us +65 86841431(Singapore)
Payment - $300 + handling fees.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Sample of naadi leafs


Every naadi leaf is different from the others.For your enquiry. Please contact us - +65 86841431(Singapore)
NAADI LEAF........"It's all about your past, present and future that written in eon ago"

Sample of naadi leaf from past customer.

#1 from Singapore (example) Male, 42 , Past birth was born in Vijaya Nagaram .
(part of Andra Pradesh now)
As a Village Chief that give judgement. Due to misuse power. He take another birth. Remedy to be perform - visit two Temples (Thirvanna Malai & Sholingar, Lord Narasimha temple) Chapter 14 - "Panchakshara Mantra Pooja" to be perfom for 192 days.
If you wish to get your naadi leaf read. Please contact +65 88110189 or email -

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Saga Vasishta who written naadi leaf thousand years ago

The most famous were Gotama, Bharadjawa, Viswamitra, Jamad-agni, Vasishtha, Kasyapa and Atri, as well as Bhrigu and Daksha.
Photo(left corner) is Saga Vasishta, written naadi leaf prediction some 1,500yrs ago.
He was one of the
Saptarishis (Seven Great Sages Rishi) In the seventh, i.e the present Manvantara, and the Rajpurohit / Rajguru of the Suryavansha or Solar Dynasty. He was the manasaputra of Brahma. He had in his possession the divine cow Kamadhenu, And Nandini her child, who could grant anything to their owners.
Arundhati (
Sanskrit: अरुंधति) Is the name of the wife of Vasistha. The star Mizar of the stellar constellation Ursa Major is thought of as Vasistha and the small one beside it, Alcor, as Arundhati.
Vasistha is credited as the chief author of
Mandala 7 of the Rigveda. Vasistha and his family are glorified in RV 7.33, extolling their role in the Battle of the Ten Kings, Making him the only mortal besides Bhavayavya to have a Rigvedic hymn dedicated to him. Another treatise attributed by him is "Vasistha Samhita" - a book on Vedic system of electional astrology.

Brahmrishi Vashisht had an Ashram in Ayodhya that was spread over 40 acres of land. Today all that remains of it is a small ashram in about one fourth of an acre of land. The ashram has within it a well that is believed to be the source of the river Saryu. Brahmrishi Vashisht was the Guru of the Solar Dynasty. The King at that time was King Ishvaku who was the king of Ayodhya. He was a noble king and thought of the well being of his subjects. He approached Sage Vashisht telling him that the land had no water and requested him to do something to let the Kingdom have adequate water. Sage Vashisht performed a special prayer and the river Saryu is said to have started flowing from this well. Saryu is also known as Ishvaki and Vashishti. It is said that the well is connected underground with the river. Many spiritual people who visit this ashram find an enormous spiritual energy around this well. Some believe that this is one of the better spiritual tirth's in Bharat.

There is also another ashram past Rishikesh on the way to Kaudiyal on the Devprayag route that is known as Vashisht Guha Ashram. The ashram itself is located on the banks of the River Ganges and it is a very beautiful place. It has a cave with a Shiv Ling in it. The head of the ashram there is a monk of south Indian origin by the name of Swami Chetananda. There is also another small cave to the side facing the river.

Note : Customer order and payment.

Step 1 : Send an email to and indicate your location, time for meetup, chapter needed, etc which u would like to order.

Step 2 : Your email will be replied within 24 hours after confirmation of your order.

Step 3 : For local customer - Payment can be made via intenet banking or cash deposit to POSB current Account No. : 272-0882338
international customer - Please make payment PayNOW 86841431. 

Step 4 : After payment has been confirmed received, I will post/ship your CD(naadi Leaf reading) Chapter 1General prediction) and 13(Pasts births and sins commited) to your home's address in a month time.

If there is any enquiries, contact us 86841431 or

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Questions for checking your "naadi leaf".

Please Let us know the details below to serve you better .
1)Name :
2)Place of Birth :
3)Date & Time of Birth :
4)Educational Qualifications and job, professional involvement in the field of politics, arts, sports, etc:
5)Email Address:
6)Phone :
7)Fax :
8)Parents' Name. Whether alive or not :
9)Their Job/Profession :
10)What numbered child are you in your family?
11)How many brothers/Sisters? How many of them are married?
12)Your Marital Status :
13)Husband's/Wife's Name :
14)Living together or not :
15)His/Her educational qualifications and job/profession :
16)Number of marriages :
17)Children (how many boys & girls?) :
18)Do you have any disease? Handicapped? Please mention :
Note: The person has to give impression of his right (male) or left (female) thumb.
Naadi Leaf….It’s all about your past, present and future written in eon ago.
Search Fee $10.00 per person/non-refundable/per checking. In Singapore – Naadi Leaf , Singapore clients please contacts +65 88110189 or email -

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Procedure about searching your naadi leaf with us.

We ask for the thumb impression (right hand for males and left hand for females). The astrologer (i.e."reader") then searches his repository of leaves for the seeker's classification of thumb print. Finally, the minimum possible set of matching leaves is brought. Every leaf corresponds to some individual and hence will bear the birth and kinship details of its seeker. Then the "Reader" goes on reading the details mentioned on the palm leaf one by one. e.g. "your (i.e. seeker's) name is Ronny Tan." If it is correct the seeker has to reply yes or no. Suppose if the name is correct, the reader reads the next detail written on the same leaf, e.g. "your mother's name is Sandy Lim." Again the seeker has to confirm the same or otherwise. If his/her mother's name is not Sandy Lim, he/she has to reply just "no". That means the leaf does not belong to him/her. Hence the reader starts reading another palm leaf. And the procedure continues. So the seeker is asked a series of questions, based on the verses, so as to find the exact match. These questions are to be answered yes or no. The exact leaf of the seeker is said to get only "yes" responses from the seeker. If all the details on the one and the same leaf are 100% correct, then that leaf belongs to the seeker.

It is said that the details such as father/mother's name, seeker's name, name of the wife( if married), details of children, profession, Hindu astrology birth chart, present age of the seeker, date of birth of seeker etc, are found mentioned on the palm leaf. Once the exact leaf is found, the astrology tells the seeker's name, parents' name, spouse's name and many other details about his future, since they are all written in the leaf. The future is mentioned in such a way that a folder within a folder, e.g. If the seeker is not married at the time of reading, in the general chapter, it might have been written that his marriage will take place at e.g. 27 years of age. If the seeker desires more details regarding his married life then he has to refer to the seventh chapter which deals with only married life and may contain name of wife, her background etc etc. The first chapter (kandam) in the leaf has the general overview of its seeker's life. The kandams that follow this are specific ones like Marriage, Profession, etc.

The list of chapters(kandams) and details are as follows:
1. It contains a list of future predictions corresponding to the 12 houses of the horoscope, a general overview of the seeker's life with age. Is also a general summary of the 11 kandams that follows it:

2. This Kandam is about Family, Education, Eyes, Money and Intuition etc.

3. This Kandam is about Brothers & Sisters, Relationships between them and self.

4. This Kandam is about Mother and Comforts through House, Land and Vehicles.

5. This Kandam is about Children and births, reason for not having any, future lifestyle of children.

6. This Kandam is about troubles and hardships due to Disease, Debts Enemies, Litigations or Cases.

7. This Kandam is about first Union or Marriage and Status of married life. Also contains hints of valuable information about the name of the future spouse, horoscope, age of marriage, and some characteristic features of the spouse etc.

8. This Kandam is about lifespan and Longevity, Accidents and dangers with indication of time and age during one's lifetime.

9. This Kandam is about Father, Wealth, Visits to holy places, Fortune; Benefit from the preaching's of Guru and holy people, charitable deeds and social life.

10. This Kandam is about Career, Job, Profession and Business, Good and Bad times in career. Future predictions about growth, prosperity and losses in one's job or business.

11. This Kandam is about Second or further marriages, Profits in business etc.

12. This Kandam is about Expenditures, Foreign Visits, Next birth and Salvation.

Separate Kandams:

13. Shanti Pariharam: This Kandam is about past life or birth, bad and good deeds and a series of rituals that can dilute the effect of past bad deeds.

14. Deeksha Kandam: This Kandam is about the methods of preparing the Mantra Raksha, that has the power to shield the self from evil forces of jealous and envy. Raksha ensures relatively better rewards for one's efforts and success in deeds.

15. Avushada Kandam: This Kandam is about medicines, prescription suggested to those suffering from chronic diseases.
Initially, only the first chapter is read to the seeker. If the seeker needs further details on some particular chapter (like Business, Health, Marriage etc), then the corresponding chapter's verses are read to him/her. The seeker is also advised rituals which can correct future misfortunes, thereby leading to a choice.

History of naadi leaf....

The Rishis and the sages of ancient time inscribed the wisdom and realization they attained through austere meditation and penance, in palm leaves and on the bark of trees for the benefit of future generation. Generally these inscriptions are in the form of subtle stanzas and poetry.These inscriptions consist of several subjects including horoscopical/astrological predictions.

In order to provide proper guidelines to mankind, these astrological predictions, while showing right path to man- kind, cover the entire area of one's life such as education , profession, marriage, wealth, house, vehicles, political and social service, attainment of royal and golden fortune .

At the same time it cautions men of malefic-effects of horoscope also, such as ailment, misery, court-case, debt, schemes of foes, accident, danger, etc.


Seeking your future through Naadi Shastra involves the following procedure
1. You have to register with us by entering all the required details and send us your scanned thumb impression. If you don't have the scanned thumb impression then send us your thumb impression at the following address.
In Singapore – Naadi Leaf , Singapore contacts +65 88110189 
Why do you have to send this information?
After receiving your details, we can begin the process at our end of identifying your Naadi leaf.
Seeking Naadi means locating the exact leaf on which your future predictions were stored long ago. This is necessary because there might be others with the same name as yours, same place of birth, same time, etc. The information in the form helps us to identify the exact leaf, which contains the full details about your life and future.
If you require any further information, please contact - +65 98190143